

Our Services

دراسة مجانية

دراسة مجانية

موجو للاستيراد

موجو للإستيراد تقدم لك دراسة مجانية لمشروع مستورداتك وكل تفاصيل خطوات الإستيراد.
لست بحاجة سوى التواصل معنا لتحجز كميتك.
نحن نبحث لك عن المنتج المناسب بالجودة التي تريدها، وعن المصانع وبأسعار مدروسة وجميع أسعار خطوط الشحن البحري وسنزودك بجميع المساعدات اللوجستية والعملية لتجارتك، ونتابع معك كافة الإجراءات المتعلقة ببضائعك حتى وصولها إلى مستودعاتك، ونقدم لك كل ما يخص ذلك من متطلبات كإجازة استيراد أو خدمات الشحن، أو عملية التخليص الجمركي، و شهادات المطابقة والجودة.
نحن في موجو للإستيراد سنقوم بكل الأعمال عنك، وننجز ما تجده معقداً بسهولة، يكفي أن تراسلنا أو تتواصل معنا لنبدأ معاً. للتواصل

for any shipment
from Apr to Dec 2022

Free Plan


Want to import , but don’t know how to start? Want to get a competitive price, but don’t know which factory is reliable? Don’t worry, our Free Plan will help you out.

You just have to tell us what products you want and we will meet your requirements at the top of our tasks’ list, we will provide you with free serves.


Supplier verification

We can help you verifying suppliers, if they are legit suppliers and manufacturers, with full inspection, and help you coordinating with factories all the time, with general quality inspection, such as SGS certified.


We will help you collect all product information from different suppliers, check quality, and save a lot of shipping fee, we can also help you customize samples with your logos, and we will offer you free consulting services about any information that related to import, certifications, etc.

Cost pricing

Help you search as many suppliers and get you the most competitive price according to your product requirements, We can also help you evaluate the total cost for production, shipping and custom duty to your country.

خدمات الاستيراد المتكاملة

يقدم لك فريق موجو للاستيراد كافة الخدمات المتعلقة بمشروع استيراد بضاعتك من المصدر إلى المستودع


المعلومات الاختصاصية

تحديد المصادر الأفضل





Customer Support

Mojo Team



Purchasing variety of products

We offer a wide variety of products. It’s not that easy to find right suppliers. We will provide you with high-quality sourcing of products manufactured in China, and assure you products quality, competitive price according to your product requirements, Customize packaging, and private label solutions: if you want to make your own-brand products, make sure we will assist you to make all kinds of packaging, logos, names with competitive rates.




We help you to get a very competitive shipping price, no matter its courier, sea freight, and air freight. We help to ship the products to your warehouse, importing, and customs process. We will never leave you, but support you with our follow-up and consultancy services until the completion of delivery. We will handle all the process of shipment and logistics to deliver products to your Warehouse on time, from shipping point to destination On-call 24/7.

Customer Support

Mojo Team



Customs Clearance & Import license

We are specialists in import laws, and we will help you to get documented permission for the shipper, as well as your goods, all the documentation and specific requirements, Invoice, import license, customs declaration, Bill of lading, Packing list, and delivery order, from A to Z. Our customs clearance team will do it carefully.

We are here to make this process easy for you.

From $ 500 on Shipment /+ 200 on Continers
اشترك في نشرتنا البريدية ليصلك جديد الأخبار الاقتصادية